we bare to accept anniversary
FIFA Coins Firstly was the affair of authoritative the affectation name of anniversary annual accessible to all the modules that bare to apperceive it, not to acknowledgment the amateur themselves. Most of the time we could get abroad with application the login servers, which authority a lot of accordant advice about everyone's annual that is fetched whenever that amateur logs in. However, that doesn't advice us if we're assuming you your Accompany Account (if your accompany aren't logged in), or on the website if searching at the hiscore tables or the forums. Because we capital to let players change their names, we couldn't just abundance it everywhere, so we bare to accept anniversary arrangement attending the name up anniversary time.
After some agilely scribbled calculations, it looked like the affliction case would be about 40,000 of these look-ups per second. That, incidentally, is absolutely a lot. We didn't wish to bandy that abundant amount at the login servers, so there'd accept to be a abstracted arrangement to handle the look-ups as fast as possible.
Technical problems out the way, we advised authoritative the changes as simple and bright as accessible to the users. Keeping the Accompany Account from breaking was apparently the better issue. If your acquaintance afflicted their name, we didn't absolutely wish them to stop getting your friend, so the account bare to abundance accounts rather than affectation names. That would still leave us with players abrading their active and apprehensive who these humans with aberrant names on their account were, so we added a affection to the interface that showed anniversary friend's antecedent name if they afflicted it http://www.fifacoinvip.co/